Monthly Archives: November 2014

Reception Nativity.

This afternoon we were very lucky to be able to watch the Reception children perform their nativity. They sang some lovely songs, and told us the story of the first Christmas.
They told us about the kings and shepherds who gave gifts to the baby Jesus.
What special thing will you do for somebody this Christmas?


We have been thinking about why we eat our flapjacks at break times. We know that eating flapjacks keeps us healthy and strong. It gives us energy to do our learning at school. We know too many flapjacks are not good for you, though!

We created posters of what we know about flapjacks.
What else could we eat at playtime to give us energy and keep us strong?





Operation Christmas Child.

Jack helped to wrap up our shoeboxes today for Operation Christmas Child. We all have one each which we will fill tomorrow, and they will all get sent off next week. What a wonderful way to make a difference this Christmas!


Edith Cavell.

We are looking at Edith Cavell in Class 3. She was a nurse in World War 1, and we think she was a hero because she saved soldiers from both sides during the war.
Kaiden has done a brilliant poster at home telling us all about her!


Do you know anything about Edith Cavell?


Today in PE we have been practising our netball skills. We now know that you can’t run when you hold the ball. We practised passing the ball in a team and getting into a hoop. We are getting good at our ball skills!
What netball skill do you think we will learn next?

Adding and Subtracting.

This week in maths we are adding and subtracting. We have been adding two numbers today, and used resources from our maths area to help us.



Down Behind The Dustbin.

We read a poem today called ‘Down Behind The Dustbin’. It is a rhyming poem and we made up our own versions with rhyming words! They were super.
What is your favourite rhyming poem?

Remembrance Day.

We held our Remembrance Assembly today. We remembered the soldiers that died in World War 1, and this year is extra special as it has been 100 years since the war began.
We presented a wreath of poppies that we made yesterday, with messages for the fallen soldiers. Andrew in our class read his message to the rest of the school.


Why do wear poppies?

Chair Champs

This afternoon we held our first Chair Champs competition of the year. It was so much fun! The reigning champion was Kathleen and we all tried to beat her time.
Kaiden from our class represented year 1 and did a great job! Unfortunately he didn’t make it through to the second round, but we cheered him on and were proud!

Ria, Kathleen, Harry and Inder made it through to the second round, and tried their very best to get the fastest time. Harry and Inder were in the final, and Inder beat Harry right at the end, by just a few seconds!

We had a great afternoon.





Today we were measuring objects in Maths. Some of us started using a ruler to measure, and others were measuring with cubes.


Why is it important to measure with a ruler, and not just your fingers or pencil lengths?