Monthly Archives: January 2016

Kind Words.

We learned about using lots of kind words. We played a game where we had to shake hands with different friends in our class and say kind words to them. The kind words made us feel good, safe and happy. Can you think of some kind words?


Playground Games.

We have been learning more playground games so we can get more fit at playtime. They also help us learn to get on with others and stay safe and happy at playtime. Which games have you played at playtime this week?


Learning To Skip!

We are learning to skip ready for our sponsored skip on 11th February. Do you know why skipping is good for us?


Designing And Making A Puppet.

We have designed a puppet. We will use our puppets to help tell a story to class 2. Have you ever made a puppet?



Planning A Story To Tell Class 2!

We are planning a story, about a dragon, to tell class 2. We will use our dragon puppets to help tell the story. Can you write a story for younger children?


Dragon Paintings.

We painted pictures of dragons to illustrate a poem we have written. We learned to mix colours. Can you say some kind words about our illustrations?



Sports Coach.

We are continuing learning about football skills with a sports coach. We really enjoyed learning to dribble a ball. Do you know what part of the foot we should use to dribble a ball?



Playground Games.

We are learning about getting on with others through playground games. Which is your favourite playground game?



Skipping For Charity.

We are learning to skip so we can raise money for the British Heart Foundation. How fast can you skip?


Learning To Talk About 3D Shapes.

We are learning about 3D shapes and how we can use special maths words to talk about them. Can you explain what a face, edge or vertex is?
