Tag Archives: science

Amazing Projects.

In class 3 we have had more fantastic projects brought in.

” I have made a garden where Mini- Beasts live.”

“This is my fact board all about my favourite bugs.”

” This is my bug information board.”

” I have made a book with Mini-Beast facts in.”

” This is my bug plant. It has all of the bugs on it, that were in my garden.”

Which Mini- Beast is your favourite?

Bugs, Bugs Everywhere!

Take a look at some more perfect projects that we have made.

” My project is all about brilliant spiders.”

” I have made a bug using cardboard boxes.”
Don’t forget to bring in your project!

Busy, Busy, Busy.

Lots of children have finished their projects. Take a look at all the hard work the children have been doing!




Have you completed your Mini-Beast project?
Which Mini-Beasts have you included in your project?

Fantastic Facts.

More fantastic projects have been finished, and they look great!
Alliyah has chosen to create a fact book all about bees.

” I found out that new born bees have to keep the hive clean and tidy!”

Christopher has made a habitat for Mini- beasts to live in.

Areej has made a display of different bugs and interesting facts about them.

Perfect Projects.

Lots of brilliant Mini-Beast projects have been made or finished over the weekend. The projects contain lots of fantastic facts and super art skills!
Take a look!




Which Mini- Beasts do you find interesting? Have you started your project yet?

Our Plants.

We are very busy in Class 3 preparing for the plant sale. The children have been watering the plants, each day, and keeping an eye on their progress.

IMG_5474.JPG Take a look at the super job our budding gardeners are doing!

IMG_5476.JPG What plants and vegetables are you growing in your class?

Different Habitats.

Today we have been learning all about the different habitats that animals live in. We have been researching which animals like to live in woodland areas, coastal areas, pond areas and urban areas. We used books and iPads to help us gather all the information we needed.
Kyle used all the information he found to compile this fact sheet.

What kind of animals live in your area? Which animal habitat is close to where you live?

Mini Beast project.

Kaiden Martin in class 3 has created a fantastic mini beast project that includes all of the creatures we have been learning about and has interesting facts about the creatures too!
” My project took two weeks to make, and it has so many creatures on it. It has worms and butterflies and caterpillars.”

IMG_5467.JPG Have you started your mini beast project yet?

IMG_5461.JPG Well done Kaiden. Hasn’t he worked so hard on his project!


In science we have been learning about where animals live and how their habitat affects the way they look. Do you know why a polar bear white?


Bug hotels.

This afternoon we have been making mini bug hotels to hang in our outdoor area. We gathered sticks, leaves and other natural materials that we thought a bug might like for it’s home.
What bugs do you think might move in to our bug hotels?


